Internet Use

Conneaut Public Library

Internet Use Policy

Conneaut Public Library provides access to the internet and other electronic resources to further our mission of satisfying the evolving needs and recreational pursuits of our patrons.

Not all information found on the internet is accurate, up-to-date, legal, or acceptable to all individuals. The internet is unregulated and materials accessible through it may be biased, inappropriate, or offensive. The library does not control information found on the internet and therefore cannot be held responsible for its content. Users are advised to use caution when sending personal information such as names, addresses, social security numbers, credit cards, etc. over the internet.

It is the policy of the Conneaut Public Library that parents or legal guardians of minor children are ultimately responsible for the child’s use of the internet at the library. Furthermore, Conneaut Public Library staff cannot be held responsible for supervising minors while they are using the computer/internet.

Conneaut Public Library is committed to providing an environment free from sexual harassment. Patrons may not display on screens or print out sexually explicit graphics or other materials which may be objectionable. This includes users of our wireless connections within the building and on the grounds of the Conneaut Public Library.

Conneaut Public Library reserves the right to regulate the use of workstations to include the amount of time a workstation may be used, printing restrictions for that workstation, social media, etc. and further reserves the right to terminate an internet session at any time.

Conneaut Public Library reserves the right to modify this policy and to develop corresponding procedures that are deemed appropriate and in the best interest of promoting and enforcing the internet of this policy.

Users violating the guidelines will be asked to stop. If the violation continues, the user will forfeit to use the workstation/internet and may be asked to leave the library.

All users of the electronic resources at the library agree the Conneaut Public Library is not responsible for any and all claims, losses, damages, obligation, or liabilities directly or indirectly relating to the use of the internet or workstations.

Computer / Internet Use Rules

Guidelines for use:

     *Patrons with library cards may use the public computers by checking one out at the front desk with their library card. Patrons without library cards are encouraged to sign up for one for free at the front desk.

     *Patrons may use the public computers for two sessions per day. Extra time may be granted by library staff for certain purposes, eg. schoolwork.

     *Computers are for individual use only

     *Use of public computers is on a first come, first served basis. If patrons are waiting, session time is limited to 1 hour.

     *These workstations are part of the library’s local area network (LAN). Each workstation in network is set to run pre-installed library software.

     *Do not attempt to run your own software, customize files, or change configurations.

     *Do not turn off the computer or reboot the system. Ask a staff member for assistance if technical problems arise.

     *Individuals should use the internet in a courteous, reasonable and responsible manner.

     *Patrons may not interfere with or disrupt others, nor invade the privacy of others.

     *We ensure the comfort and safety of our employees and visitors by encouraging an environment free from smoke, fragrances, and unpleasant smells. This policy is meant to cover noticeable odors from any source, including foods, personal items, perfumes, and poor hygiene.

     *Staff will provide assistance only as time and knowledge permits.

     *Download files using flash/thumb drive at your own risk.

     *Exceptions to the computer/internet policies are at the discretion of the Director


*Individuals are expected to use the computers/internet in a responsible manner. In order to comply with contemporary community standards regarding obscenity as defined in 2907.01 of the Ohio Revised Code, the library deems the following as inappropriate:

     *Display of sexually explicit graphics

     *Display or transmission of profane, abusive or threatening language

     *Juveniles may not view or print materials unsuitable for minors

*In addition the following practices are deemed inappropriate and therefore restricted:

     *Users may not attempt in any way to alter, damage, abuse, or sabotage computer equipment or software configurations, or install any software.

     *The use of another patrons card is considered theft and carries the possibility of losing internet privileges.

     *Users are liable for any cost arising from malicious damage to library equipment or software.

     *Users may not use any library terminal for illegal purposes.

     *Users may not violate copyright laws of the United States. (Title 17 United States Code)

     *Users may not use library terminals for any activity that is deliberately offensive or creates an intimidating or hostile environment.

     *Users may not disregard time limits on the use of a library terminal while others are waiting.

     *Users may not violate any local, state or federal statute.

Parental Responsibility:

     *Parents and/or legal guardians must share with the library the responsibility for their children’s use of the computers/internet in the library.

     *Access to material that is considered harmful to juveniles as described in the “OBSCENITY” section of the Ohio Revised Code 2907.31 will not be permitted.

     *Restriction of a child’s access to internet sites that do not violate any other library rules is the responsibility of the parent of legal guardian.


     *Deliberate altering of any files or modifying the configuration of any computer or peripherals is considered a violation of the computers system security and will result in the loss of computer privileges, with possible legal action.

     *Destruction or damage of equipment due to willful misuse will result in legal action.

     *Willful removal of any part of the computer will be considered theft and will result In legal action.

Staff Assistance:

     *Internet users should have a minimal level of computer experience and able to use a mouse and keyboard.

     *Books and manuals are available for self-instruction.

Policy Enforcement:

     *The Library reserves the right for staff members to view any patrons computer activity within the library in-person or remotely to determine violations of these rules.

     *Patrons who access pornographic sites are subject to losing computer and internet privileges and potentially all library privileges. The violating Patrons card number will be barred from being used for public computer access.

     *Patrons who otherwise violate the rules and guidelines as set forth by the Board of Trustees of The Conneaut Public Library are subject to losing computer, internet, and perhaps library privileges. Library staff may intervene by terminating use of the library card and/or use of the building.


     *The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States code) governs the regulations, distribution, adaptation, public performance, and public display of copyrighted material. Responsibility for any possible copyright infringement lies solely with the user; The Conneaut Public Library disclaims any responsibility or liability resulting thereof.

     *Displaying of sexually suggestive objects or pictures could be in violation of State or Federal obscenity laws.

     *The user agrees The Conneaut Public Library is not responsible for any claims, losses, damages, obligations, or liabilities relating to the use of information obtained from the library’s electronic system.

     *Software downloaded from the internet may contain viruses or other malware and users are cautioned to have virus-checking software on their personal computers. The Library is not responsible for damage to a users travel drive or computer, or for any loss of data, damage, or liability that may occur from an individual’s use of the library’s computer/internet service.


     *As important national debate in courts and Congress continues balancing intellectual freedom with protection of minors from pornographic and sexually explicit materials, we will revise our policies and practice to comply with those decisions.

Printing & Downloading :

     *Black-and-White printouts are .25¢ (twenty-five cents) per page including mistakes.

     *Color printouts are $1.00 per page.

     *Downloading files is done at a patron's own risk. Patrons must bring their own jump drive. Files saved to the public computers may be deleted after a users session expires.

Adopted by the BOT Date: 3/26/15