Unattended Children
Conneaut Public Library
The Library welcomes youth to use its facilities and services. Responsibility for the behavior and well-being of children using the Library rests with the parent or guardian or care giver assigned by the parent, and not with the Library’s personnel.
Library Staff members cannot supervise children in the Library.
The safety of all children left alone in the Library is a serious concern. Young children left on their own often become frightened or anxious.
Children under the age of six years may not be left unattended by an adult in any part of the Library. If children under the age of six are found without an adult, staff will attempt to locate the parent or other care giver. If the parent or care giver cannot be located in the building or at home within 30 minutes, law enforcement personnel will be contacted to pick up the child.
During story hour, toddler time, lap sits, and other programs, adults who do not attend the program with the child must remain in the building and must return to the story area by the end of the program.
Preschoolers-Closing Time
If children under the age of six are found without an adult at closing time, staff will attempt to locate the parent or adult care giver. If the parent or care giver cannot be located in the building or at home, law enforcement personnel (police) will be contacted to pick the child up. Two Library staff members will stay with the child after closing until the law enforcement personnel arrive.
Youth in a Public Place
Due to differences in child development, some children six years and older may not be able to cope with being unattended. No public place, including the Library, can guarantee the safety of children. Therefore, it is recommended that children between 6 and 10 years of age be accompanied by a parent or other care giver when visiting the Library.
During regular Library hours, if Library staff judges that any unattended child is not coping adequately, staff will attempt to locate a parent or care giver to pick up the child. If the parent pr care giver cannot be located within 30 minutes, law enforcement personnel (police) will be contacted for assistance.
Unattended Youth at Closing
When visiting the Library without an adult, children should have definite arrangements to be picked up at closing times. If children are left unattended at closing, staff will call their parents or care giver.
Contacting Law Enforcement: Unwanted Youth at Closing
The Library staff will contact law enforcement personnel (police) if staff is unable to reach parents or other caregivers by telephone.
The Library staff will contact law enforcement personnel (police) if the staff is able to reach the caregivers, but the parents or other caregivers are unable to pick up the child within 30 minutes after the Library closes.
The Library staff will contact law enforcement personnel (police) if the parent or care giver first states he or she can pick the child up within 30 minutes after closing but does not arrive at the Library by that time.
Notification for Parents
When the police have been called, the staff will leave a note on the door notifying the parent or care giver, in case the law enforcement personnel pick up the child from the Library. If necessary, two Library staff members will stay with the child after closing.
Staff will not drive children home.
In any situations involving youth safety and specifically whenever parents (or other care givers) or law enforcement personnel are contacted, staff will complete an Incident Report. In case or serious violations the Library will notify the Department of Children’s Services.
Adopted by the BOT Date: 3/26/15